Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Kitchen Tip Tuesdays

Tammy over at Tammy's Recipes has a cool feature every Tuesday - it's Kitchen Tip Tuesdays! She posts a kitchen tip and invites her readers to do the same on their blogs, then post a link from hers. I participated for the first time last week with my stove cleaning tip. Thought I'd join in again this week with my secret to smooth deviled egg filling.

For the longest time I had trouble getting my deviled egg filling smooth. No matter how much I mashed it with a fork, I always had chunks of egg yolk floating around in there, and I much prefer my filling to be totally smooth and creamy. Then, one day, I grabbed my pastry blender out of the drawer and used that. It worked perfectly!

The secret is to cut up the egg yolks with the pastry blender BEFORE you add any other ingredients. Mash away - you can't hurt it! Soon you will have little tiny grains of egg yolk, all uniformly sized, that will blend beautifully with the mayonnaise and other ingredients. Voila! Perfectly smooth deviled egg filling.


OKGardners said...

That is an excellent idea. This is my first time to look at the Tuesday Tips.

Betty in Oklahoma

Anonymous said...

Oh good. I like your tips!! I bought vinegar today. I'm hopeful for my stove top.