Sunday, May 21, 2006

Another event season over...

Event season ended today. Thank heavens! I'm tired. Event season is the dreaded time of year where we in my office attempt to cram two major events into the span of four to six weeks. Yep, we're crazy.

Of course, event season is ALWAYS accompanied by something in my personal life that makes things even more challenging. In 2003, it was wedding planning. In 2004, there was nothing, but we only did one event so it was a weird year all around (we did change the name of our agency during that time but I had little to do with that so it just wasn't the same). Last year, I was defending my Master's thesis. This year, it was the death of my grandmother. Makes me wonder what next year will hold? It had better involve babies, that's all I have to say!

But, the duathlon was this morning. It went ok. Attendance was down, but the weather cooperated! I think just about everyone had a good time (well, except those volunteers who stormed out for unknown reasons during setup yesterday, but they weren't very pleasant to deal with anyway so I'm not too bothered).

And now, I sleep. And get Larry to take me out to dinner tonight because I've seen my kitchen, and I don't have the energy to deal with that hole in the universe right now...

And tomorrow, I have the day off. Woo hoo!

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