Friday, July 20, 2007

The problem with being frugal...

Tomorrow the new Harry Potter book comes out. I am a big HP fan. Not the biggest, by far, but big. And I'm SO eager to read the last book and see how it all comes out (though I am extremely sad that it's the last book because I could probably keep reading about Harry for years to come).

So the book comes out tomorrow and what did I do? Bought it through Amazon and was too cheap to spring for shipping. Gah! This means I have to wait - last time it was something like four extra days.

BUT I WANT TO READ HARRY POTTER NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ah, well, live and learn...


Anonymous said...

A thrifty solution you probably didn't consider (although I can't imagine why) would be to hit yourself in the head with a hammer a few times. Your memory of the previous HP books would disappear (along with much of your personality) and then you could read the old books as new!

What could go wrong? Your HMO probably doesn't cover Amazon shipping but I'm reasonably sure they'd pay to treat your self-inflicted head trauma.

Just think of the savings!

Kimmer said...

I'm so frugal that I'm waiting until my MIL finishes her copy so that I can borrow it, sigh. I'm sticking my fingers in my ears for the next few days to avoid spoilers!

kbeeps said...

Well, fortunately for me the Amazon warehouse is only a few hours' drive from here, so the book arrived today anyway. Now that I think about it, the same thing happened when #6 came out...

But thanks for the suggestion Allen. So thoughtful of you to come up with it!

Anonymous said...

Anytime I can help.