Saturday, October 01, 2016

Menu Plan October 2 - 8

We've been better and better about not eating out so much, and for the most part I've been keeping a menu plan on the white board on the fridge, but lately I can't think of a thing to put on it and I know I need to start writing it down in a more permanent location again!  So here I blogging...

Here's the plan for this week.

Sunday:  C and I will be out of town for the day for a birthday party, so likely we'll just grab something quick on the way home/

Monday:  Grilled sausages and frozen fries (piano lesson night = quick dinners on Mondays!)

Tuesday:  Chicken and quinoa soup (oh my this sounds delicious!)

Wednesday:  Out (I'm doing paint nite with some friends which means that hubby and C are on their own, which probably means Taco Bell!).

Thursday:  Jambalaya and green beans

Friday:  Pork chops and spinach balls 

Saturday:  There is something happening on Saturday.  I have no idea what - it hasn't found its way onto my calendar. But I know there is something happening!  I just have to figure out what it is and what it means for dinner plans...

Have a wonderful week everyone!!!

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