Sunday, December 31, 2006

Today's task

I know it's not the new year yet, but I might as well get off to a good start, right?

Today I tackled the bathroom closet. It's been bugging me for a while - can you see why?

Here's the "before" shot of the bottom half...

And the top half...

And, an hour later, the top half...

And the bottom half.

Ok, the bottom half could use a little more work. I'll restack the towels when I put the next load of them away. And, well, the very bottom could be better stacked, but at least the toilet paper is back in its place and stuff isn't flying out all over the place, right?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well done! I'm learing how taking 10 minutes to just clean a single drawer can do so MUCH for your mindset. If you have a favorite organizing tip please leave it on my blog (several comments down.) I'm trying to collect non-BS suggestions that books don't seem to have. (Like, "Wait 6 months and see how you're actually using a space" just isn't helpful.)